The Transport Assessment supporting the development proposals sets out the cumulative traffic generation for the intended uses on the site, which include residential, a wedding venue and filming. The level of traffic generated by the new development results in a reduction in traffic during the road network peak hours as well as the daily profile when compared to the 2016 submission where the approach, methodology, traffic analysis and capacity testing were agreed with Hampshire County Council in its role as the Local Highway Authority.
Therefore, in traffic terms the new development proposals represent a reduction in traffic when compared to an existing agreed position, which has been comprehensively discussed and agreed with the Local Highway Authority the pre-application process.
The existing established access roads of Mansion Drive and Reading Drive South are to be retained as part of the development proposals, providing vehicular access to the site. These existing roads provide access to/from the highway network via the B3011 Bracknell Lane and Plough Lane.
Mansion Drive would remain unchanged given the importance of the character of this key avenue. Reading Drive South to the north of the lake will be improved with intermittent passing places provided and better turning into the road.
The highways mitigation measures previously agreed with the Council are also appropriate for these latest proposals, and include:
- Improvements to the geometry and visibility at the site access junction of Reading Drive South and Plough Lane.
- A safety scheme at the off-site junction of Bramshill Road/Bracknell Lane, converting the double priority junction into a single priority T-junction resulting in significant safety benefits.
- Improvements to the geometry and visibility at the off-site junction of Reading Drive South and Bramshill Road.
An extensive range of measures and initiatives will also be presented within the site-wide Travel Plan to reduce the impact of single occupancy car trips and promote sustainable travel.
Within the development site itself, the proposed layout will be designed in accordance with the principles set out in the Department for Transport’s Manual for Streets, which is nationally recognised and industry standard guidance.